Made To Fit All Sizes
Shop NowFrequently Asked Questions
Do you ship worldwide?
We are proud to provide Worldwide Shipping to our customers! We ship to most countries worldwide.
How long does shipping take?
Orders placed with Free Shipping usually take 6-12 business days in transit. Please allow approximately 12-48 hours for order quality check, processing, and tracking information.
Will I get a tracking number after making an order?
Yes! all orders will include a tracking number. It will automatically be sent to your email!
If you received a shipping confirmation email with your tracking number, it means that your order has been shipped. Tracking numbers can take 2-5 business days to update depending on the shipping carrier. This is usually due to our high volume of orders.
What's your guarantee?
We love our products and are confident you will too! That’s why we're offering a 30-Day, Risk-Free Trial. If you're not in love with your results, we'll give you a refund. Check out our Refund Policy or Contact us.
Try Us Risk Free
Water, Heat & Sweat Proof
Built to last through anything life throws at you—water, heat, and sweat won't ever dull your shine.
Fade & Tarnish Resistant
Keep that brand-new look for years to come. Our jewelry is crafted to resist fading and tarnishing, no matter how often you wear it.
Lifetime Warranty
Enjoy peace of mind with our lifetime warranty—your jewelry is covered for life, no questions asked.